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This is Great! Good Clean Fun.

some Suggestion if you want to Keep working on this 

-Movement are Slippery: I don't know its due to time constrain or you meant to do that , but it take a lot of time to change direction or stopping, add an little bit reverse force when don't have any input or checking player input and current velocity are the same direction or not, small quick fix.

-One way Platform? : I can go through platform when i jump, but can't drop down by diving? Not a big problem but it just feel a little inconsistent, make dive can drop down platform so diving are more interesting than just "fall quicker"

-Multiple solution: some level only have one way to solve or you need to follow certain order. Not 100% a bad thing but it can make game feel more freely.

But for a 3 hour game , this looks well done and fun! Good job.   


good fun


This is incredible, especially considering how long you spent working on it. Would definitely be interested to see this be built upon into a larger game. 

Two main things that stand out to me that could use work:

- Controls should allow you to drop down from a platform. You can jump up onto a platform, but not drop down.

- Some platforms look as though you can jump up onto them, but your jump is a tiny bit too low. General rule of thumb is that if something is intended to be inaccessible to the player, then make it more obviously inaccessible. If a platform is too high to jump on, it's better to make it obviously too high, than make it seem like it might be possible. This is especially important given you have a time limit.

Overall though, it's incredible you got this assembled in the time you did, and I'd definitely be interested in seeing more of this game if you decide to work on it further.